If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!"I have heard it said that the first ingredient of success is to dream a great dream." John A. ApplemanPosts in this blog to be a witness to the struggle to realize the dreams of my dreams are now just be wishful thinking and from now on I strive and strive to realize until all dream my dream come true, and add my dream the other, for the embodied also, I hope readers of this blog participate pray, AamiinTotal Time for Action "Changing the Dream Come True"
- Lecture At GMU / ITS / ITB / U
- Graduation GPA above 3.3 max 3,5tahun
- Minimal Class S2, S3 Ma
- Could Study Abroad
- to Jepan / German
- Pingin Being Techies
- Establishing pingin information Technology Company
- Pingin Become Expert / Master Design
- Establishing Technological pingin
- Can Speak Britain ActiveHaving pingin palm gardens Minimal 100ha
- Have pingin DSLR Camera
- join SME photographer UGM
- become a professional photographer
- Establishing Community pingin photographer
- Can make parents house
- Could be a filial child to parents
- Parents can raise Hajj
- Could build mosques / renovate mosques
- Can set up a boarding school
- Can establish the best Bimbel in Indonesia
- Can make something useful
- Could be a successful entrepreneur
- Could establish a minimum of 3 companies
- had an electric guita
- keeping prayer 5 times
- Has an ideal body
- Have a car and the house itself
- has distro
- UGM can be represented in the Competition
- Chevron could bekerjadi in thorns
- have a business boarding
- become a very influential
- establish a successful Business Travel
- business hotels
- Could gig / festival joined the band again
- become slalu grateful for favors given GOD
- Effort has offline and Online News Feed kayak Detik.com
- My knowledge about developing a website and can set up a company websit
- Semester 3 IP should be higher From Herianto
- Can help people who need help
- Could open dozens of jobs
- Helping the poor
- Khatam Quran minimum of 30x
- Sholeh have a wife who, obedient to Allah, husband, in-laws and everyone
- Ber happy family mawadah warohmah
- Have children min 2 pious and sholeha
- Blood donors can join
- Can the title of Professo
- Diligent prayer night
- In trying to pray in the mosque